We breathe (on average) 20-30 THOUSAND times per day.
The best part?
The quality of those breaths are completely within our control.
It may not feel like it, but our breathing patterns influence how almost every system in our body functions. If we create unnatural and / or poor breathing habits, we create chemical imbalances that disturb our internal homeostasis (balance).
This creates a domino effect, sending signals to our nervous system that say we are in danger, and the body reacts by achieving the sympathetic dominant stress state. This is actually really important for the body- we need this in times of real life, present time stressors, but it’s not helpful as a chronic state.
So how do we re-teach our body how to determine the difference between a life-threatening situation and an email sent to the wrong person?
The beauty in all of this is that our breath is a communication line to our internal wiring system. When we manipulate our breath, we change the messages our body receives.
Through increased awareness, breath exercises, and some daily life adjustments, these poor breathing habits that many of us carry can be shedded and replaced with more efficient, supportive patterns.
It takes practise, dedication, and patience, but with a commitment and desire to change internally for the better, establishing a daily breath practise will help you gain a deeper awareness of your own body and how you respond to your environments.
Whether you’re seeking alternative methods of pain or stress management, aiming to improve training or athletic performance, or just trying to become more “at peace” with this crazy life and our role within it, I’m confident that creating a meaningful connection with your breath will bring you closer to your goals.
I’m here to help you do exactly that.
Want to learn more?
Set up a FREE breath consult and discover whether breath coaching is right for you.
Fill out the form below to inquire about and / or book a consult with Hannah.